This registration is for the ANZA Sunday Competition programme.
ANZA Soccer Competition Teams represent ANZA Soccer in external leagues, typically playing seven to ten Sundays per ‘Season’, with the 2024 Season 2 starting September and running until early December. The 2025 Season 1 runs from late January to mid May 2024. The ESPZEN J League starts on 8th September.
Trials are conducted by professional coaches. Placement in a competition team for 2024/25 is subject to player grading (although ANZA Soccer participates in multiple divisions for a number of age groups catering to different skill levels). Whilst trials during pre-season are open for all players registered for our Saturday program we may not be able to offer all players a place in a competition team as availability is capped by the number of teams we have registered in their age group and the maximum squad size per registered team which the Competition Teams Coordinator of that age group has set in order to make sure all players have meaningful pitch time during the league season.
The Sunday Competition season will run from September 2024 to May 2025. Tryouts (trials) start August 17. Training begins September 02 and will run until the end of our Saturday season, or Sunday season if the latter ends later.
Players who wish to participate must make payment of the Sunday competition registration fees, after signing up for the Saturday League.
The Sunday Competition fees* are:
- $510 for the Sunday Competition + one weekly skills training (joining in February) – full season (full price $1,260)
- $750 for the Sunday Competition + two weekly skills training (joining in February) – full season (full price $1,860)
Kit included in all fees.
*a 10% sibling discount will be applied to each additional child signing up for the same programme
Fees to cover the costs of participation in additional activities including practice matches outside training hours and tournament participation are charged separately on a play-as-you-pay basis.
Positions in the competition teams are offered based on skills and team needs. All players trying-out in August must pay the competition team fee beforehand. Refunds for the competition team fee will be payable only when a player can not be offered a position in our competition teams or when a cancellation is received before the final teams are announced. Once the final teams are announced no refunds will be given. This policy is in place to ensure fairness to all and to avoid issues that would be caused if players decided not to play after others have been told they have not been given a position.
Once the pre-season trials are completed, online registration for Sunday Competition will close. Late joiners of our Saturday program may attend a weekday competition team training as a trial at the invitation of the Competition Teams Coordinator in their age group, and thereafter will be informed if a place can be offered, either with immediate effect or by January. If so, the Competition Teams Coordinator will inform the ANZA Office, who will arrange player registration with the parents.
In December/January, mid-season trials may be held and where there is more than one team in an age group such trial may result in players being moved between teams ahead of the Jan-May League season. B5s who join within Sept-December will first be allocated to the B6s team, but will then become part of their own age group from January, when B5s become B6s.
If the season cannot take place or is disrupted to the extent that we cannot offer/ complete our programme as planned then (partial) refunds will be processed accordingly. Please note that the ANZA membership fee is not refundable.
This programme is open to boys and girls. All players (boys and girls) interested in our competition teams must register through this page.
Volunteer team managers, coaches and assistant coaches will be required for the Sunday games. Please advise the Competition Teams Coordinator of your child’s age group if you are able to take on one of these roles.