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Saturday, July 27, 2024

New work visas in Singapore – what’s the deal?

Learn more about the latest work visas in Singapore and if they may be more suitable for you.

What’s the new scoring system for Work Pass Applications in Singapore?

A new scoring system for EP Applications and employers comes into play this year. Read more

2023 changes to the Singapore Work Pass framework

Find out more about Singapore's new Overseas Networks and Expertise Pass)and changes to the current work pass framework

Burnout in Singapore: The cost to employees & companies

We look into the mental health problem of burnout through overwork in Singapore

Make your small business successful from the start

Read on for how to make your business start up a success.

Diversity & inclusivity trends in 2022

Creating a healthy workplace free of recruitment biases and toxic cultures is a goal for many companies. Read on for expert advice on how to achieve it.

Workplace changes to expect in 2022

Workplace changes are difficult to foresee in these unstable times, but Pacific Prime Singapore have some solid predictions.

JCU: The Place for Gaming Enthusiasts

The Singapore campus of James Cook University (JCU) offers unique opportunities to discover the world of video games and to level up game development skills.

Refind: Glass Recycling in Singapore

Australian expat B. Jane Cowie talks about her brilliant career in glass and how she’s aiming to make her company, Refind, Singapore’s leading art glass recycling studio.

ANZA’s New Trailing Talent Support Group

ANZA has set up the ANZA Trailing Talent Facebook group for trailing spouses looking for social and networking opportunities.