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The Osler Health doctors and staff care for families in Singapore every day, and although we sometimes see people at their most worried, we also witness joy on a daily basis (especially when new babies are involved!). Alongside the medical support we provide there are a few other small things that Osler Health do to enhance others’ life and living.
Foreign domestic workers: Pro bono clinic
Did you know that we offer pro bono cervical cancer screening (PAP) tests to the domestic helpers of our patients?
Also known as a ‘silent killer’, cervical cancer often produces no signs in its early stages. It is the second most common cancer in women and is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers in females aged between 35 – 44. Regular PAP tests are fundamental to early detection and treatment.
Cervical cancer numbers have been on the decline across much of the world, but remain high in less developed countries. The reason is simple: women from less developed countries typically have limited information about cervical cancer screenings and less financial access to regular PAP testing. Whilst domestic workers receive mandatory health check-ups every six months, PAP tests are not a requirement.
Our doctors aim to bridge that gap by offering free PAP test clinics to our patients’ domestic workers. We run approximately four clinics each year (the next is 11 March 2023), testing and protecting multiple helpers.
We cover all the expenses including clinic costs, laboratory costs and the doctor’s time. It’s free of charge to the helper and their employer. If you’re a patient of Osler Health (or want to become a patient), please contact us and protect your helper.
Becoming a carbon neutral company
Osler Health is the first carbon neutral healthcare company in Singapore. The healthcare industry contributes 5% of global greenhouse gas, prompting us to take steps to make a difference.
Over the last year, we collaborated with ‘Climate Partners’, an environmental agency that guides companies across the world through a process to measure, reduce and offset their carbon footprint.
We firstly measured our CO2 emissions and then took action to reduce them (e.g. becoming paperless). Lastly, emissions that simply could not be stopped (e.g. medical grade fridges for vaccines) were balanced through an official offset programme. The programme we support removes plastics from the ocean. These initiatives, we hope, do a little to make the world a slightly better place.
Osler Health is an international family GP clinic that puts ethics at the heart of their service. Contact them at osler-health.com to make your appointment.