Soccer – FAQ

Requests to be placed on a certain team with certain friends, with a particular coach or any other requests for placement will be noted. ANZA Soccer will consider accommodating the request, but cannot guarantee fulfilment as primary consideration is given to the principles of ANZA Soccer, such as team or league balance. In all cases, no requests for team placement will be entertained less than two weeks before season commencement. For the same reason, while ANZA Soccer wishes to keep friend and teams from the prior year together, this might not always be possible. The league reserves the right to move players, at any time it is deemed necessary, to maintain the principles of team balance within ANZA Soccer.

The supervision of a parent or responsible adult at ALL games and training sessions of ANZA Soccer for all children is mandatory. Parents are not permitted to leave their child unattended at any ANZA Soccer program. Organisers of ANZA Soccer take no responsibility for the supervision of unattended children. This is an important condition of membership of ANZA Soccer and a member’s non-compliance may lead to suspension from the program. We ask for your cooperation in ensuring the safety and supervision of children in our programs.