Haze Policy for ANZA Soccer

(updated 1 March 2021)

ANZA Soccer protects the health of its players, volunteers, and employees with a haze policy that follows the NEA’s recommendations and reflects the policies of many international schools and other sporting organisations in Singapore.

Decisions about games and training sessions will be based primarily on the NEA’s Central-zone 1-hr PM2.5 reading. If the 1-hr PM2.5 rises above 55, games and training sessions will be cancelled following the procedures below. This policy is subject to the overriding power of each AGC to cancel games and training sessions at any time for any reason.

Cancellations will be noted via TeamApp/WhatsApp (depending on age group). We are aware that other air-quality websites and apps may show other numbers. Because these are all calculated differently, ANZA Soccer will only use the NEA measurements as shown on the NEA website (www.haze.gov.sg) and mobile app (NEA myENV). More details on these sources can be found in the FAQ.

Prior to Saturday sessions:

  • Each Age Group Coordinator will check the 1-hr PM2.5 updated to most recent reading before the Age Group’s start time. For example, for a 10 am start time, the AGC will check the 1-hr PM2.5 for 9 am, which the NEA usually updates between 9 am and 9:15 am. For our 12:15 and 1:30 pm start times, the AGCs will use the 12 noon and 1 pm readings respectively. If the 11 am or 12 noon readings and/or actual situation on the ground are already particularly bad, the AGCs may elect to cancel these sessions earlier.
  • If the 1-hr PM2.5 is 56 or more for the most recent reading before the Age Group’s start time, the Age Group’s games will be cancelled.
  • The AGC will update the weatherboard and/or notify the Age Group via TeamApp/WhatsApp to reflect this as soon as possible.

For ongoing Saturday sessions:

Because 1-hr PM2.5 numbers are updated on the NEA website slightly after the hour, the 1-hr PM2.5 for a session already in progress might be updated to a number above 55. In this case, the AGC may decide to cancel the session at his or her discretion. 

  • This decision may be made in consultation with other Committee members at the pitches.
  • If the AGC decides to cancel the session, this decision is final and parents should respect this.
  • If such a cancellation affects league games already in progress, the results of the games will follow our guidelines for lightning cancellations.
  • If the AGC elects to allow the session to continue, league games may become friendlies so that parents wishing to remove their children may do so without affecting their teams’ results. The decision whether to change to friendlies will be made by the AGC.
  • Parents who prefer their children not to play at any time due to haze should feel comfortable removing their children from the session.

For weekday training sessions:

The 4pm updated 1-hr PM2.5 will be checked, and training will be cancelled if it is 56 or higher.

  • If training is cancelled, please note that ALL training sessions for that afternoon will be cancelled, including those starting at 5 pm, 5:30pm, and 6pm, as the coaches will be asked not to come to the pitches.
  • As with Saturdays, if the 1-hr PM2.5 reaches a number above 55 while training is in session, Committee members at the pitches in consultation with the Head Coach may decide to cancel the session or modify it to focus on skills/tactics and avoid vigorous aerobic activity.

For external Sunday League matches:

Parents’ Responsibilities:

  • Parents with children affected by asthma or other relevant health conditions should exercise extra caution and keep abreast of the situation in periods of haze.
  • All parents should exercise their own judgement about whether to allow their children to play during haze episodes, even at levels below those stated above. For external league play, parents are requested to inform the ANZA team manager and coach as early as possible if the haze conditions are such that they will not allow their child to play even if the external league match will proceed. This will help the team manager and coach to plan accordingly.
  • Parents should treat AGCs’ decisions as final and abide by the Parent’s Code of Conduct.


Further information:

ANZA Soccer – Haze Policy – FAQs and Further Reading