Weather Policy for ANZA Soccer

(updated 20 August 2021)

ANZA Soccer sessions take place in all but the heaviest rain. However, sessions are suspended or cancelled for lightning and haze (see our Haze Policy). If the weather looks questionable, a decision will ideally be made 20 minutes prior to the session’s start time and communicated to families via the AGC’s preferred method. However, because Singapore’s weather can change rapidly, decisions may need to be made closer to the session’s start time or after a session is underway. We appreciate parents’ understanding that our goal is always participant safety. 

If lightning approaches as a session is ongoing, Committee members at the pitches will make a decision to suspend or cancel play, and all session participants and volunteers will move to safety in the covered areas in/around the undercover pitch, the sheltered areas near the carpark, or the gazebos beside each pitch. Please note that The Cage has a lightning warning system, and a comprehensive, certified lightning protection system is in place on the floodlight towers around each pitch.

In case of a session being cancelled once players are at the pitches, AGCs will notify parents and parents are then responsible for picking up or securing transport for their children promptly. ANZA Soccer volunteers are not expected to stay at the pitches indefinitely if parents have not arranged for their children to leave after a reasonable amount of time (around 20 minutes). 

Parent and Volunteer Responsibilities in Stormy Conditions

If conditions look stormy before/during a session, parents should do the following so that children can leave the pitches promptly in case of cancellation after a session has started. Please be sure your child knows your family’s weather-cancellation plans:

  1. At CIS, all participants will be moved to under-cover parking while the weather looks stormy. At Dempsey, all children will be directed to the Lightening Shelter Zones at the facility. If the session is cancelled, a notification from the AGC will then allow you to quickly be on hand to retrieve your children.
  2. OR, arrange beforehand with other parent(s) to carpool in this case.
  3. OR, arrange with your children beforehand how you/they will secure a taxi/Grab if this is preferred. 
  4. Volunteers for our younger age groups will do their best to ensure young players are safely picked up, but are not babysitters and cannot be expected to stay indefinitely, call taxis, provide rides, etc.
  5. Volunteers for our older age groups will expect players and/or parents to make arrangements to leave the pitch area promptly once a session has been cancelled.