Expat Hair Studio is one of Singapore’s top salons.

Founded by two girls with an incredible amount of passion for the hairdressing industry, they decided to open a salon together to cater to a massive need for hairdressers specialising in Caucasian hair.

With Jacky hailing from Australia and Kat from Scotland they now have a team of 19 staff members from all across the globe that share their same love for their clients and their job.

Do you have the Singapore curse of hair that has become frizzy and thin? Expat Hair Studio has the solution we have all been dreaming of!

At Expat Hair Studio we were also battling with frizzy hair and hair loss that came after having our gorgeous children.

Jacky read an article about Hairdreams hair creations so we decided to do an intensive course with teachers from Austria.

During the course I got the opportunity to change Jacky’s fine post-baby hair into her dream hair. Using Hairdreams, I added hair of the best quality in the world to Jacky’s own hair. The hair is a pleasure to work with, turning thin hair into thick full natural looking hair.

Hairdreams only uses refined, hand-selected 100{d2c05350095ed942d62ca1635aad234a702e9575e5f9632e6c89e76dec25dfbf} real human hair. It is extraordinarily healthy, with a natural-looking appearance and feel of real hair, giving a natural bounce and elasticity. The hair is purchased around the world based on strict ethical principles. It is tested to meet the strict Hairdreams quality control standards and prepared using a patented gentle processing method.

Hairdreams allows an unlimited variety of creative hair styling opportunities. Trendy color effects, asymmetrical hairstyles, fuller and longer bangs, permanent or temporary effects… anything is possible with the multitude of Hairdreams solutions!

Once you have Hairdreams your hair is extremely easy to manage, simply wash, brush and style like real hair.For me as a stylist the most magical moment is when my client sees herself in the mirror with amazing thick hair and I see the smile on her face. Ladies instantly feel more confident and beautiful again.

If you would like a consultation please call us or email Expat Hair to make an appointment with Jacky or Kat.

Expat Hair Studio
Ph: 64447929