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Employers are increasingly looking to offer smoking cessation programmes at the workplace. Besides placing everyone at risk and damaging everyone’s health, smoking also puts a dent in employers’ pockets. Here, our friends at Pacific Prime Singapore explain why company-sponsored smoking cessation programmes are a good idea. 

Health risks of smoking

The health risks of smoking are wide-ranging. It can lead to diseases and disability, and harms nearly every organ in the body. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and tuberculosis are several examples. Second-hand smoking carries consequences that are just as severe. It causes about 41,000 adult deaths per year in the US alone. Together with first-hand smoking, they bring the total number up to 480,000 deaths per year. 

What is third-hand smoking? 

There’s also the problem with third-hand smoking, which is defined as inhaling residual cancer-causing chemicals from tobacco smoke that clings to surfaces for weeks. Kids and pets are especially vulnerable to this.

Nearly half of employers plan to tackle smoking

Based on a recent study, 48% of employers considered smoking cessation a top priority for 2022. Ninety-six percent of the employees who use tobacco are smoking and vaping on the job due to the pandemic-related stress. For employers, healthcare claims shot up while productivity dropped, costing them an extra USD $9,000 per tobacco user each year. It also hurts the brand image and creates an unwelcoming environment for workers who are non-smokers. 

Benefits of smoking cessation programmes

Most smokers struggle to quit smoking, with 85% wishing they have access to smoking cessation programmes at work. There are two major benefits to sponsoring employee wellness programs like these. The first being, a company that cares about its workers attracts talents. And the second is that healthier and happier employees also lower health claims and increase productivity, making for a good return-on-investment.

Ideas for implementation

Traditional programmes provide expert-run seminars that educate and support workers who wish to quit smoking. Another option includes making nicotine replacement therapy free for all. Due to its accessibility, online smoking cessation programmess like Quit Genius are also becoming popular. 

Get in touch with Pacific Prime Singapore 

Whether you’re looking to offer an employee benefits programme or review your existing one, Pacific Prime can help. They have over two decades of experience tailoring employee benefits solutions to companies of all sizes and industries. Contact our team for a free consultation today!