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Choosing a school is a difficult decision for all parents. But if your child has specific educational needs, it can be even more tricky to know where to turn. For children who require personalised support at school in Singapore, there are schools with an Australian history that provide inclusive programmes.
Melbourne International School (MIS) and The GUILD International College are boutique, fully inclusive Australian international educational institutions offering equal opportunities to all students in a warm nurturing school environment.
Schools with an Australian history
MIS started out in 2014 as Melbourne Specialist International School, an Australian private special needs school and has since transitioned to being an inclusive school for students who thrive in a small school environment. It is intentionally designed to be personalised and nurturing in contrast to larger international schools in Singapore. The GUILD was launched last year in July 2021 to deliver a middle and high school experience with excellent facilities, similar to schools in Australia.
Family owned by the Founders of the former Avondale Grammar School and White Lodge Preschools, both MIS and The GUILD are based on two decades of experience in running international schools in Singapore and Malaysia.
What MIS and The Guild offer
MIS offers programmes from Early Years to Year 5; The GUILD offers Year 6 to Year 12. They follow the Victorian F-10 curriculum including optional daily Mandarin lessons. To ensure the best education possible for students, classes are small and intimate with just 12 participants. Caring and committed teachers encourage each child’s unique talents as well as support them in areas of need. At both schools there are essentially two routes to consider, A and B:
- Route A is for students with diverse needs who can carry out functional literacy, numeracy and pre-vocational training with the goal of independent living. They work towards moving on to The GUILD for vocational studies. Alternatively, they can also pursue the Career Pathways programme where they can do a short ASDAN UK course to learn skills to transition to work
- Route B is for students who can access the mainstream curriculum before moving on to The GUILD and completion of High School Certificate Programme (HSC). or Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). From there, students can continue further education at Australian Universities or Technical and Further Education (TAFE)
Students have the option to stay on until age 25 if they need extra time to complete their education.

Dedicated facilities
Both schools have been set up with facilities which specifically create a space for sustainable education. The GUILD’s campus includes an Art and Design Studio, Woodworking Studio, DJ Studio, Filmmaking & Photography Studio, Podcast Studio, Culinary Studio, Life Skills Room, Multi-purpose Hall, Café, Gym and more. Two key areas of learning include:
- Visual & Performing Arts
The schools use Visual & Performing Arts such as dance, music, art, and drama to engage students in a holistic way. These various disciplines offer students another “language” to express themselves which often helps them discover hidden talents. This creates a positive experience and over time, and helps to build self-esteem and the motivation to succeed.
- Fitness
Fitness is one of the key components of the holistic programme offered at both of the schools and students are actively involved in making choices and participating in new skills. Aside from developing gross and fine motor skills, exercise also helps to improve cognitive function and mental health.

Moving forward
Melbourne International School has introduced the Four and One Primary School Programme which offers four days of focus on core content subjects and one day of immersion in creative and performing arts at The GUILD with its dedicated facilities. Bringing together academics and creative arts alongside a strong focus on relationships and social-emotional learning sets them apart from all other schools in Singapore.
Whatever your family’s situation, if your child needs personalised support at school, you will have many questions about your next steps. Melbourne International School and The GUILD can help you to make the right decision.
For further information contact:
Melbourne International School
75C Loewen Road, Singapore 248853
admissions@msis.edu.sg | 6634 8891 | https://msis.edu.sg/
The GUILD International School
318A Tanglin Road, Phoenix Park, Singapore 247979
admissions@theguild.edu.sg | 6235 8240 | www.theguild.edu.sg