George Tang

Age: 6
Year: Kindergarten 2
School: House on the Hill Montessori
“I made my own glider at home and flew it in school”
How many lessons do you have at school each day?
Every day is different. In the morning, I have lessons in Phonics and Maths. I love working on the Montessori materials. My favourites are the Roman arch, water pouring over land forms and water forms, and pin-pushing on outlines activities.
Sounds like some serious learning!
In the afternoon, all my activities are in Mandarin. I learn ancient poetry and rhymes, make crafts, listen to stories, do some painting, calligraphy, and much more.
What happens at lunch?
Lunch is yummy! I have two favourites: beef porridge, and Mediterranean Style Fish served with bread. Now that I’m older, I help out by serving the younger children their food. Me and my friends eat together, and then we tidy our classroom before the afternoon sessions start.
What job would you like to do when you grow up?
I want to be a scientist. For Children’s Day this year, I dressed up as a scientist and worked on many different science experiments. I made my very own glider at home and flew it in school. I also did Oobleck play, and made artwork using food colouring, milk, and dish soap.
Please answer the following: “I enjoy school the most when …”
… it’s time to play! I love the playground, especially the swing and tunnels. I also love playing with Lego and magna-tiles.
Mount Sophia, Balmoral Crescent, Pasir Panjang & Hollandse Club
Maisie Hiemstra
Age: 15
Year: 10
School: Dulwich College (Singapore)
“It was an eye-opener to be taught by a professional artist”
How does your average school day look?
We have six hour-long classes a day, with breaks between every two periods for snacks and lunch.
What’s your favourite lesson?
Art class. I love that Dulwich gives me an outlet to express my creativity. Recently, the IGCSE art students went to the Singapore National Gallery to study different artists and draw on-site, which was great.
Please share a memorable assignment …
Last year, the award-winning artist Ian Murphy came to Dulwich and taught a workshop. Under his guidance, I produced one of my best pieces, a drawing from a photo I took in Laos.
What did you most enjoy about it?
It was an eye-opener to be taught by a professional artist. It gave me time to develop a single art piece, while Ian shared techniques and methods to draw more realistic images and forms. It was one of the most beneficial, memorable, and fun days I’ve had at school.
How do you spend your lunch break?
Lunch breaks are fun. I mostly hang out with my friends and eat at the rooftop garden – a lush area where the school grows herbs. It has shelter and furniture which makes it a perfect spot to catch up.
71 Bukit Batok West Avenue 8, 658966
Hana Yamauchi
Age: 16
Year: grade 11
School: North London Collegiate School (Singapore)
“My teacher is funny, so I really like being in his class”
What was your best lesson at school today?
I enjoyed geography. My teacher is very entertaining, so I really like being in his class. Sometimes the content is challenging, but I’m not afraid to ask questions as I know I will get help. Also, the students around me are very friendly.
Is geography your favourite subject?
I love psychology because my teacher also has a great sense of humour, which makes the classes fun. It’s a new subject for me, and he gives us many practical examples to make us understand the different concepts.
Where do you hang out for lunch?
We have a Sixth Form common room for Grades 11 and 12, so I sometimes get food delivered. Today I had McDonald’s as a treat! This is something only Sixth Formers can do.
If you could introduce a new lesson at school, what would it be?
As a Sixth Former, I don’t have much time for leisure activities and exercising, so a whole lesson playing outside and running around, just like they have in Junior School, would be good.
Dream job when you leave school?
I want to be a translator or interpreter. It would be great to work in a job that involves travelling because I love languages and know English, Japanese, Mandarin, and a little Korean. Travelling would help me to improve.
130 Depot Road, 109708
Oliver Rogers
Age: 17
Year: grade 12
School: Australian International Achool (AIS)
“I’ve had the privilege of seeing my friends every day”
Which school subject do you most enjoy?
Spanish. Our class is a really dynamic group and our teacher también es alegre. Language acquisition stretches such a different part of your brain compared to other subjects, so I always find it a welcome change of pace during the week.
What was your stand-out lesson at school today?
Chemistry. We learned about DNA sequencing and replication, which I found interesting. I have six lessons (periods) a day, each lasting just under an hour.
What’s been your favourite school assignment and why?
My Extended Essay. I wrote about America’s Temperance and Prohibition Movement(s). It’s the thing I put the most work into, and what I’ve been most personally engaged by in recent years. When I submitted the assignment, I was really proud of what I’d produced.
How did you spend lunch break today?
I hung out at the parent café with my friends. We discussed our plans for muck-up day (when uniforms are messed up and decorated, and pranks are carried out at the end of the school year). We’ve
got some good stuff planned!
Please answer the following: “I enjoy school the most when …”
… I arrive each morning and see all my friends. I’ve been lucky to have had the privilege of seeing my friends every day for the past 14 years, and I’m going to miss them once we all move away. For now, I cherish the time we have together.
1 Lorong Chuan, 556818
Charlotte Patterson
Age: 9
Year: G3
School: United World College of South East Asia (UWCSEA)
“I’d like to be a geologist, marine biologist or horseriding instructor”
What was your best lesson at school today?
Maths, because whilst it’s hard for me, I know I’m getting better. I’m learning about word problems and I’m answering more questions correctly each day. It feels good.
Tell me about your lunch break …
On Tuesday lunchtimes I go to Junior Singers. Otherwise, my friends and I play rock tag. In rock tag, someone can only tag you if you’re off a rock. If you’re touching a rock, they can’t tag you!
What’s been your favourite school assignment so far?
My friend and I made a hat out of cardboard and felt, plus all the accessories. We learned how to come up with an idea and plan it out, design different shapes, and experiment with how they connected together. We had to connect pieces without using tape or glue, so using slots and tabs for example, and this made the design more sustainable. Last year my friends and I made a huge claw machine out of recycled material.
What job would you like to do when you leave school?
I’d like to be a geologist, marine biologist, or horseriding instructor.
If you could introduce a new lesson, what would it be?
Bring your pet to class!
Please answer the following: “I enjoy school the most when …”
… we have celebration days like the UN Food Festival and UN Day. We get to wear cultural dress and celebrate everyone’s country, culture, and food. I love Vietnamese, Japanese, Indian, and Greek food. Oh, and Australian lamingtons, because my mum would be upset if I didn’t like them!
Dover Campus & East Campus
Nils Carballeira
Age: 16
Year: 11
School: Chatsworth International School
“I wrote about my own migration from Norway to Singapore”
What’s your favourite lesson?
From a very young age, I’ve looked forward to every PE class, as it allows me to forget the stress of assessments and homework. I play football in and outside of school and love doing any type of physical activity.
What did you most enjoy at school today?
I particularly enjoyed maths as we got to finish our probability carnival game project. After that we had students, teachers, and parents walk around the school playing different games. I enjoyed hosting my own game and showing players what I’d made. The collected data will be used to finish my report on probability.
What’s been your best school assignment so far?
I liked working on a creative task about migration in my Individuals and Societies (IS) lesson in collaboration with the English department. This specific task allowed me to write about my own migration from Norway to Singapore, which happened a little over a year ago.
If you could introduce a new lesson at your school, what would it be?
My school doesn’t offer IT lessons about computers and how to use them. Occasionally, there will be an hour dedicated to preventing cyberbullying, but in a world dominated by the use of electronic devices such as mobile phones and laptops, it would be helpful to have some guidance.
72 Bukit Tinggi Road, 289760
Leanne Leong

Age: 12
Year: Grade 7
School: St Joseph’s Institution International (SJI INTERNATIONAL)
“We designed an ideal country, including its location, history, and laws”
Tell us about your school day …
We typically have six lessons each day, starting at 8am with a 20-minute recess at 10am. Lunch is from 12:10pm to 1pm, and the day ends at 3pm.
What’s been your favourite school assignment so far?
Our Adaptability Exit Point in the International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC). We designed an ideal country, determining its location, flag, buildings, history, and laws. It made me think deeply about addressing global challenges through creative solutions.
If you could introduce a new school subject, what would it be?
I’d like to go out of school every week for an expedition! Field trips make learning a much more exciting and memorable experience, so students can have fun while discovering how the things they learn in school affect them in their daily lives.
Please answer the following: “I enjoy school the most when …”
… we come together as a school to compete in House Competitions. I love how enthusiastic everyone is when competing or cheering on their teammates. The different Houses are competitive, but only in a friendly way.
What job would you like post-school?
I want to become a journalist due to my passion for reading and writing. I aim to inform and engage readers with accurate and compelling news stories, features, and articles in newspapers and magazines.