Registration – 2024



2024 Season

Term One: 3 March 2024 – 2 June 2024 (No sessions 31 March and 12 May)

Term Two: 1 September 2024 – 1 December 2024 (No sessions 29 September and 3 November)


Quotas exist for each age group based on our ability to provide one (1) Bronze Medallion qualified adult per every five (5) children in the water, and an Age Manager who is supported in devising and delivering session content with willing parent Assistants. If we discover we can allocate more Bronze Medallion holders to an age group, and more experienced Age Managers, we can expand the quota and offer more spots to participants. We encourage as many parents as possible to attain their Bronze Medallion, and offer to train to become Age Managers and Assistants.

2024 Pricing

The Term 2 price is SGD 290 per child (full year is SGD 580 per child)

