Nippers – News


Why it’s ripper to be an ANZA Nipper!

It's great to be part of our inclusive group of life savers and strong swimmers. Here's whay

ANZA Nippers start 2024 on a high

The 2024 season of ANZA Nippers kicks off on 3 March, 2024. Here's how last season wrapped up

The beach is back for ANZA Nippers!

Sights are set on Nippers’ skills developing well into 2024. See how they're going so far

ANZA Nippers: Break time!

Nippers is back, but how did our ocean-loving crew spend the summer? Read on

What to know about ANZA Nippers

ANZA’s 75th anniversary is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on everything the association has done for its members and expats in Singapore. Moving to a foreign country can be a very daunting experience and...